
UN reports air strike in Sudan's Darfur region

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - An air strike almost hit a village in Sudan's Western region of Darfur, international peacekeepers said on Tuesday, the latest apparent attack by the government in the troubled region. Mainly African tribes took up arms against the government in Khartoum in 2003, complaining of political and economic marginalisation in the remote region. Violence has ebbed from the 2003/04 peak but fighting still occurs as several rounds of peace talks have failed, hampered by rebel divisions and ongoing military operations. An Antonov aircraft - a plane widely used by the Sudanese army - apparently dropped a bomb that almost hit Samara village in North Darfur, Susan Manuel, spokeswomen for African Union/U.N. peacekeepers UNAMID said. "A patrol went to the site after spotting an Antonov plane. They found two craters," she said, adding that nobody had been injured in the air strike on Sunday. Sudanese army spokesman Sawarmi Khalid Saad could not b


“Wewe! Jinga hii. Unafanya nini hapa?!  Nakuuliza, what are you doing here?”.........That was a Kenyan administration police officer barking questions at me on May 19, 2009, the very day I arrived in Nairobi following my first field trip to South Sudan where I traveled to to cover a seven-day peace conference in Bor. That day, I touched down at Kenyatta Airport at around 2 o’clock, boarded a taxi cab to the office as required by the organization policy. I greeted colleagues and worked out a few petty assignments. About an hour later, I rode home in another taxi. By then, I was staying at my Cousin Bullen Achiek Ngong’s house at Ngara, about 3 kilometers north of downtown. I was so exhausted, so, I decided to take a shower in order to freshen myself up. It was after I stepped out of the bathroom I remembered I had no cologne. I had forgotten the only one I had in my hotel room at Juba’s Hamza Inn. Being a great lover of perfumes, I couldn’t resist going for another one.

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united The businesses were paralyzed yesterday in Eldoret when the convoy William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo attracted people to sixty four stadium where a peace and prayer rally was held for the four confirmed ICC suspects. The rally which was attended by three suspects and more than sixty members of parliament from different part or the county except nyanza province, Ruto who started by thanking the crowd for coming to stand and pray for them, he also asked the crowd to remain silent as a sign of respect to the people who were killed marsabit . He told the crowd that they made him and other proud for remaining calm during the post election and that is a sign that the Kenya people respect the law and love peace. He added by saying they will remain united towards next election and they will ensure that there is no Kenya who will carry a panga, arrows to kill each again in Kenya because of election. He condemned other leaders of

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united

The businesses were paralyzed yesterday in Eldoret when the convoy William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo attracted people to sixty four stadium where a peace and prayer rally was held for the four confirmed ICC suspects. The rally which was attended by three suspects and more than sixty members of parliament from different part or the county except nyanza province, Ruto who started by thanking the crowd for coming to stand   and pray for them, he also asked the crowd to remain silent as a sign of respect to the people who were killed marsabit . He told the crowd that they made him and other proud for remaining calm during the post election and that is a sign that the Kenya people respect the law and love peace. He added by saying they will remain united towards next election and they will ensure that there is no Kenya who will carry a panga, arrows to kill each again in Kenya because of election. He condemned other leaders of being cunning, p


A protest has erupted Western barhrel el Ghazal after one of the staff who was working as a receptionist resigned from one of the prominent hotel in Wau, the staff who refused to mention his name pointed out that the hotel manager has no respect to the staff who work tirelessly day and night in the hotel. He also explained that most staff working in the hotel are mistreated and their working condition is not favorable while the hotel pays then peanut compared to the work they are doing, he also said that staff of  Sudanese national are sacked without following the right procedure. H e urged the authority  especial the ministry of labor to implement a policy whereby the worker in any company or institution owned by the foreigners should be treated like other foreign nationals. foreign investor who come to invest in south Sudan should respect the nationals ans apply reasonable policies to their staff and also they are expected to employee the Sudanese nationals to the key po
Image DOCTORS NOT READY TO CALL STRIKE OFF! The striking doctors have decided not call the strike off after the promise of salary increment was announced by assistant minister for medical services last week, the strike which is approaching almost two weeks now has been misunderstood by the viewers from TVs and the country at large that the doctors are selfish and inhuman without put into consideration that doctors demands are genuine and is also to the benefit of poor common throughout the country The doctors not only demand for salary increment but also better working condition increase of other staff since there is a shortage of doctors compared to other African countries, this is the right time for the government has to restructure its health sector and ensure that all the hospital and dispensaries around the country are refurbished and equipped with medical facilities since the men in the ground have spoken. If the doctors demands are not but into consider

Kapsoya Estate

By Kapsoya Estate is the third ranked best in Kenya when it comes to the way it was planned and it is a home to rich, middle class and poor people around east Africa, compared to Kipkaren centre, Huruma and Maili ine Kapsoya estate emerges to be the first in Eldoret the way the houses are arranged. Since it is the best, it has his disadvantages as well, during the rainy season the road leading to Kapsoya and any street in the estate impassable, compared to Kipkaren centre which all the streets are tarmacked, there is no single street in Kapsoya which is tarmacked, but to your surprise the planning map from municipal council of Eldoret shows that all the roads leading to Kapsoya estate are well tarmacked. Someone will fail to understand why the map is reading so when in real sense it is not. If you see Kapsoya from far you will admire to be staying there but just visit Kapsoya you will find out that there is no singe existing drainage to drain water during the