

There is a common confusion about Facebook pages that most page owners overlook.  The mistake many people make is thinking that just because someone clicks the like button  automatically means they are your fan. True the "like" button used to be a "Become a fan" button a few years ago, but since then the like button has become widespread and most people have clicked "like" thousands of times. Just because someone "likes" your page does not mean that they are automatically a true fan of your brand. If you want to create the kind of true fans who will want to do business with you then you will need to earn their trust first by engaging  with them and providing cool and valuable  content for free. Prove to the people who have joined your page that you are not just out to make money from them but that you do in fact care about helping them out. A powerful way to help people and build your busin

21 Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn:

1)       The bandage was wound around the wound. 2)      The farm was used to produce produce. 3)      The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4)       We must polish the Polish furniture. 5)      He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6)      The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7)      Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8)      A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9)      When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10)     I did not object to the object. 11)      The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 12)     There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. 13)     They were too close to the door to close it. 14)     The buck does funny things when the does are present. 15)     A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line. 16)     To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. 17)     The wind was too strong to wind the sail. 18)     After a n

"Court halts transfer of Turkana county wards

County men and women, we can no longer watch Cllr. Aule single handedly wrestle with the Pokots on an issue affecting the entire tribe. Lets rise to the occassion by availing our support in any form. The case is due for hearing on 23th/04/2012. see the court order here below. "Court halts transfer of Turkana county wards Friday, 13 April 2012 23:59 BY NICHOLAS WAMALWA Turkana South councillor John Aule and his lawyer Gedeon Barongo(l) coming from Kitale Court on Thursday last week after filing a suit in Court.Photo/NICHOLAS WAMALWA Turkana South councillor John Aule and his lawyer Gedeon Barongo(l) coming from Kitale Court on Thursday last week after filing a suit in Court.Photo/NICHOLAS WAMALWA The High Court in Kitale yesterday stopped the transfer of some wards in Turkan South constituency to Pokot and Baringo counties. Judge Festus Azangalala ordered the IEBC not to effect the gazette notice of March 7, which moved the Amolem, Nasulut, Nasirmat and Amaler

UN reports air strike in Sudan's Darfur region

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - An air strike almost hit a village in Sudan's Western region of Darfur, international peacekeepers said on Tuesday, the latest apparent attack by the government in the troubled region. Mainly African tribes took up arms against the government in Khartoum in 2003, complaining of political and economic marginalisation in the remote region. Violence has ebbed from the 2003/04 peak but fighting still occurs as several rounds of peace talks have failed, hampered by rebel divisions and ongoing military operations. An Antonov aircraft - a plane widely used by the Sudanese army - apparently dropped a bomb that almost hit Samara village in North Darfur, Susan Manuel, spokeswomen for African Union/U.N. peacekeepers UNAMID said. "A patrol went to the site after spotting an Antonov plane. They found two craters," she said, adding that nobody had been injured in the air strike on Sunday. Sudanese army spokesman Sawarmi Khalid Saad could not b


“Wewe! Jinga hii. Unafanya nini hapa?!  Nakuuliza, what are you doing here?”.........That was a Kenyan administration police officer barking questions at me on May 19, 2009, the very day I arrived in Nairobi following my first field trip to South Sudan where I traveled to to cover a seven-day peace conference in Bor. That day, I touched down at Kenyatta Airport at around 2 o’clock, boarded a taxi cab to the office as required by the organization policy. I greeted colleagues and worked out a few petty assignments. About an hour later, I rode home in another taxi. By then, I was staying at my Cousin Bullen Achiek Ngong’s house at Ngara, about 3 kilometers north of downtown. I was so exhausted, so, I decided to take a shower in order to freshen myself up. It was after I stepped out of the bathroom I remembered I had no cologne. I had forgotten the only one I had in my hotel room at Juba’s Hamza Inn. Being a great lover of perfumes, I couldn’t resist going for another one.

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united The businesses were paralyzed yesterday in Eldoret when the convoy William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo attracted people to sixty four stadium where a peace and prayer rally was held for the four confirmed ICC suspects. The rally which was attended by three suspects and more than sixty members of parliament from different part or the county except nyanza province, Ruto who started by thanking the crowd for coming to stand and pray for them, he also asked the crowd to remain silent as a sign of respect to the people who were killed marsabit . He told the crowd that they made him and other proud for remaining calm during the post election and that is a sign that the Kenya people respect the law and love peace. He added by saying they will remain united towards next election and they will ensure that there is no Kenya who will carry a panga, arrows to kill each again in Kenya because of election. He condemned other leaders of

Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo plan to remain united

The businesses were paralyzed yesterday in Eldoret when the convoy William Ruto, Uhuru Kenyatta and Kalonzo attracted people to sixty four stadium where a peace and prayer rally was held for the four confirmed ICC suspects. The rally which was attended by three suspects and more than sixty members of parliament from different part or the county except nyanza province, Ruto who started by thanking the crowd for coming to stand   and pray for them, he also asked the crowd to remain silent as a sign of respect to the people who were killed marsabit . He told the crowd that they made him and other proud for remaining calm during the post election and that is a sign that the Kenya people respect the law and love peace. He added by saying they will remain united towards next election and they will ensure that there is no Kenya who will carry a panga, arrows to kill each again in Kenya because of election. He condemned other leaders of being cunning, p