
Africa Beats: Kenyan singer Eric Wainaina 26 May 2012 Last updated at 09:45 GMT cutesy of BBC africa In the last episode in a series showcasing Africa's musical talent, Eric Wainaina performs his song Other People's Lives, taken from his third album, Love and Protest, which was released in December 2011. A household name in his native Kenya, Eric Wainaina has a reputation for speaking the truth to those in power. His song Nchi Ya Kitu Kidogo is a powerful indictment of corruption and the kick-back culture that has blighted Kenyan politics. It became an unofficial national anthem when it was released in 2001. Eric Wainaina also wrote and starred in the musical theatre production "Mo Faya!" which has played to sell-out audiences in Nairobi and in New York. The piece depicts a Kenyan slum community plagued by corruption and self-interested &

Juba Residents Cautioned on Fuel Handling

The Juba City Council has issued a temporary order banning the use of containers for buying fuel from petrol stations. 26 May 2012 Juba and other towns in South Sudan have been experiencing severe fuel shortage since the January oil shutdown. [Gurtong/ Waakhe Simon Wudu] By Waakhe Simon Wudu JUBA, 26 May 2012 [Gurtong] - The Deputy Mayor Colonel David Lokonga told Gurtong that the move is aimed at regulating oil prices and to curb illegal trade. He added that the order will also address the rising illegal trade in most commodities following the announcement of austerity measures following the shutdown of oil production in the country in January. “This is one way of maintaining the fuel prices and also putting a check on the black market. Reports from our investigations have revealed that a litre of petrol has gone up to 20 South Sudanese Pounds and an estimated 7 US Dollars in the black market”, said Lokonga. Juba and neighb

Fridays Declared Farming Day in Lakes State

Lakes State Government has announced that civil servants in the state will work half day on Fridays to engage in agricultural production. 17 May 2012 It was song and dance during celebrations to mark the 29th anniversary of the SPLA at Rumbek Freedom Square. [Gurtong/ Gabriel Mayom] By Gabriel Mayom RUMBEK, 17 May 2012 [Gurtong] - State Governor Chol Tong Mayay said working half the day on Fridays will give civil servants adequate time for farming. Speaking during celebrations to mark the 29th anniversary of the SPLA at Rumbek Freedom Square, Governor Mayay said the move aims at combating hunger in the state. “It is now time for every government official to join their families in our efforts to tackle food insecurity. This can only be achieved by initiating such measures. Let us encourage our people in the rural areas to work hard during this rainy season”, he said. He said that in the new a
May 17, 2012 (JUBA) - South Sudan said on Thursday it has formed a fact-finding committee to establish the “actual cause” of the deadly shooting of a Kenyan national on 14 May in the country’s capital, Juba. Speaking in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Thursday, Acuil Tito Madut, inspector general of the South Sudan Police, described the incident as an “unfortunate development” and that the government had already offered an apology for the incident. Tito said that South Sudan had assured the Kenyan government it is committed to protecting the security of foreign nationals. Tabitha Musangi, who was a teacher at John Garang International School, was killed at the age of 25. She was allegedly shot by a soldier manning the Doctor John Garang Mausoleum. He is said to have opened fire on the taxi Musangi was travelling in when it did not stop during the flag-lowering on Sunday. “The issue is being handled. The government has already formed an investigation committ


I am furious & he tells me forgive I am afraid & he tell me Take courage I have doubts & he says to me Have confidence I feel restless & he says to me Be calm I prefer to go my own way & he says Come & follow me I make my own plans & he tells me Forget about them I aim for material goods & he says Leave them behind I want security & he says I Promise you absolutely nothing I like to live my own life & he says Lose your life I believe I am good & he tells me Good is not enough I like to be the boss & he says Serve I like To command other & he says Obey I like to underesatnd he says Believe I like clarity & he speaks in Parables I like poetry & he speaks me in Realities I like tranquility & he likes me to be Disturbed I like violence & he says Peace be with u I draw sword & he says Put that away I think of revenge & he says Offer the other cheek I spe

You Too Are Called

Whenever we celebrate Vocation Sunday, it is a celebration of the unique call received by each of us to collaborate in a Divine Partnership, leading to a commitment of love.  The dignity and privilege of this Partnership is afforded to all - be it through marriage, the priesthood / religious life or the single state of life.  It is this great mystery of our faith that we proclaim on Vocation Sunday.  We celebrate it with songs of praise and thanksgiving, with credos of  renewed commitment to our divine call, with humble petitions for the grace of fidelity to God’s initiative in our lives. The God who calls us is a God of Love.  He opens up a new personal covenant-relationship with us, sealed with the Word-made-Flesh dwelling among us.  “I will be their God and they will be my people” (Jer, 31-33.)  The inspirational documents of Vatican II are replete with the multidimensional character of our divine calling and responsibility as  the people of God.  Articles 10 and 11 of