

      The president of republic of south Sudan, HE. Salva Kirr Mayardit announced publically to his supporters after arriving from the signing of an agreement with the rebel leader in Addis Ababa that the election will not be held on 2015 as it was expected. It has to be pushed  at-least three year from now  until his government is stable. According to transitional constitution,South Sudan was to hold its first election on 2015 ,  But due to political unrest the election can not take place. The P resident informed his supporters that the election might take place on 2017 or 2018 if all goes well The international bodies and observers stated that the delay of election is a political move


The Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, Li- Ruogu has cautioned Uganda and other African countries to be more critical of the aid some donors are willing to extend to their countries.                                                                                                                          By  Chimp Reports The high ranking Chinese official,  who is currently in the country to discuss with Government financing modalities for Karuma and Isimba hydropower dams among other projects,  said African governments should be ready to ignore aid if it does not lead to development because many donors still don’t understand the situation in Africa and continue to issue aid conditions which are out of date.  The China Exim Bank President who was accompanied by a 16 -man delegation made the remarks this week while meeting Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi at his Office in Kampala. “Listen to donors carefully to ensure that you benefit from aid,” Ruogu said,


By Mading Ngor, South Sudan , mired in conflict since December, plans to issue exploration licenses for gold-mining within three months as the nation seeks to reduce its dependency on oil revenue. Companies will soon begin drilling for “substantial” deposits of the precious metal in the country’s Eastern Equatoria state, Arkangelo Okwang Oler, director general for mineral development at the Petroleum and Mining Ministry , said in a May 6 interview in the capital, Juba. Australia’s government plans to donate geological and administrative equipment to South Sudan if the ministry erects new headquarters, Oler said. “In a period of three months we can have a building fully operational and we start giving licenses without any problems at all,” Oler said. When the infrastructure is ready and the equipment arrives “that’s the end of provisional licensing” for mineral-mining, he said. South Sudan wants to diversify its economy from oil, an industry that provid


South Sudan's president and rebel chief signed a ceasefire deal. Members of the White Army, a South Sudanese anti-government militia, attend a rally in Nasir on April 14, 2014. [AFP Photo]   President Salva Kiir and rebel boss Riek Machar, who shook hands and then prayed together, "agreed that immediately all hostile activities will stop within 24 hours from the signing of this agreement", said head mediator Seyoum Mesfin, from the East African regional bloc IGAD. "Fighting will stop," he added. Kiir, explaining his olive branch to his bitter rival, told reporters that as leader he had in the past accepted compromises and had "been in a position to make peace with everybody". Machar, who swapped his military fatigues for a business suit, said he was "happy" at the signing of the agreement. The peace deal, which followed intense lobbying from world leaders with Washington slapping sancti


South Sudanese President Salva Kiir has pledged to implement the peace agreement he signed with his former deputy Riek Machar, now rebel leader in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa without fail. 10 May 2014 President Kiir and Machar at the signing of the agreement in Addis Ababa on Friday May 9, as the Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn looks on. [Reuters photo] Juba, 10 May 2014 - "I'm not here to respond to what my brother here (Machar) has said. I'm here to sign the peace agreement," Kiir said. The president declined to talk about a coup attempt  but said a "gun doesn’t fire itself". "I want to assure you that the party and army I'm leading will implement this agreement without fail," the president said. "I cannot let my people continue bleeding. I am the president and responsible for all the people of South Sudan." The agreement mediated by the Ethiopian prime minister Hailemari

Kiir, Machar To Meet Today In Ethiopia

An official says that South Sudan's rebel leader has arrived in Ethiopia for talks with President Salva Kiir on Friday. 09 May 2014 President Salva Kiir (Left) and Rebel Leader Dr Riek Machar. [Courtesy photo | File] ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Tewolde Gebremeskel, a top official with the regional body sponsoring the talks, confirmed Thursday that Machar has arrived in the Ethiopian city of Gambella. According to the BBC, the advanced team of President also arrived in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa on Thursday. The Friday talks will be the first time the leaders of South Sudan's two warring sides are meeting face-to-face since violence broke out in December, killing thousands of people. The meeting between Kiir and his former vice president, Riek Machar, is expected to last one day. More than 1.3 million people have fled their homes since the ethnically targeted violence began in December. Aid workers fear mass hunger unless the vi

South Sudanese Youth In Abroad Condemn UNMISS’

South Sudanese youth living in Melbourne, Australia have condemned the UN Mission in South Sudan’s (UNMISS) mistake of transporting arms by road instead of airlifting them. 18 March 2014 South Sudanese youth protesting the UNMISS Partiality in Melbourne, Australia. [Courtesy photo]  2014 (Gurtong)- “It is clear that UNMISS is supporting the rebellion in the country and South Sudanese youth here in Melbourne condemn this behavior,” a press statement issued by the youth in Melbourne partly reads. The youth call for Ms Hilde Johnson, the head of UNMISS in Juba to resign immediately and review of UNMISS’ operation mandate. “We are sick of war and are against anyone supporting the war by arming the rebellion in our country. Hilde Johnson is doing just that arming the rebellions in the country and she must go,” they said. Recently, the government troops (security personnel) intercepted weapons in a UNMISS convoy of 12 trucks marked as carryi