"Court halts transfer of Turkana county wards

County men and women, we can no longer watch Cllr. Aule single handedly wrestle with the Pokots on an issue affecting the entire tribe. Lets rise to the occassion by availing our support in any form. The case is due for hearing on 23th/04/2012. see the court order here below.

"Court halts transfer of Turkana county wards
Friday, 13 April 2012 23:59 BY NICHOLAS WAMALWA

Turkana South councillor John Aule and his lawyer Gedeon Barongo(l) coming from Kitale Court on Thursday last week after filing a suit in Court.Photo/NICHOLAS WAMALWA

Turkana South councillor John Aule and his lawyer Gedeon Barongo(l) coming from Kitale Court on Thursday last week after filing a suit in Court.Photo/NICHOLAS WAMALWA
The High Court in Kitale yesterday stopped the transfer of some wards in Turkan South constituency to Pokot and Baringo counties. Judge Festus Azangalala ordered the IEBC not to effect the gazette notice of March 7, which moved the Amolem, Nasulut, Nasirmat and Amaler areas of Turkana South constituency to Sigor constituency in Pokot county. The notice indicated that Akoret, Kapedo North, Kapedo West and Kapedo East from the same constituency are now part the new Tiatyi constituency in Baringo county.
Councillors from Turkana county last Thursday moved to court to block the loss of possible oil rich areas to the neighbouring counties in the recent boundary review.
John Aule, who led other civic leaders in filing the suit said the Turkana community is unhappy with the IEBC for ignoring their views during the boundaries review hearings.
Azangalala ordered the commission's chairman Isaack Hassan to appear in the court either in person or through his lawyer for the hearing of the case. “Take notice that you are required, within fifteen days after service hereof upon you, inclusive of the day of such service to enter appearance either in person or by your advocate at the registry at Kitale High Court, should you think fit so to do, and thereafter to make answer to this petition and that, in default of your so doing, the court will proceed to hear the petition and pronounce judgment, your absence notwithstanding," he said.
Oil was recently discovered in Ngamia in Turkana South and the Anglo-Irish company Tullow has mapped out several areas in the county for exploration activities.
Aule also said the community is protesting against the shifting of Omolion, Kamunono and Apuke areas of Turkana South and Central to Kacheliba constituency in Pokot county.
In the suit, the Turkana community is also questioning the shifting of Turkana/Pokot boundary from Kesei Hills to the West bank of river Turkwel saying it will deny it grazing and cultivation land. The case will be heard from April 23."


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