No State Can Threaten the Government, Says Deputy Minister

The National Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning said today that no state can threaten its powers over the management of revenue collections, in a response to the announcement by Central Equatoria State to pull out from the centralized revenue collections.

No State Can Threaten the Government, Says Minister
South Sudanese Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Dr Marial Awou at a past event. [Gurtong | File]

JUBA, 30 October 2012 [Gurtong] - Dr. Marial Awou, the Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning said in a statement that, “no anyone state can threaten the central government.”
“We expect them to give us a written document containing their decision and we have to sit down and discuss,” he said.

The Central Equatoria State Governor Clement Wani Konga last week announced his government decision to pull out from the National Government policy of centralized revenue collections.
Konga said despite well written terms of agreement between the states and the national government, the central government had failed to live to the expectations of the agreement.
Jacob Aligo Lo Lado, CES Finance Minister had earlier on explained to Gurtong in an interview that, there should have been in place a monitoring committee where the states are represented according to the agreement. However, the national government failed to set up the committee. 
He added that, the national government had failed to show transparency as agreed on, saying the states could not know on daily basis what has been generated as bonded in the terms of the agreement.
Aligo also pointed out that, the National government had failed to make tax payers pay their money direct to the banks as one of the components of the agreement.
He further pointed out that, some other states have rejected to take the collections from the National government as it is just a peanut to States’ previous collections, saying as CES gets sometimes six million South Sudan Pounds other States are made to share four million Pounds


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