Juba 5 March 2014

Another fight erupted  early in the morning at the army barrack at Giada where the rebels tried to overthrow the government early this year in Juba, this has come when things are almost normalizing in capital of the young country Juba

The army spokes person confirmed that the fight started from a barrack occupied by the commando soldier, Till now we don't know the reason as to why the soldiers began shooting at the barrack, the number of people who are dead of injured after the fright is not yet confirmed.

The Army spokes person also confirmed that an investigation is underway and who are responsible will face the law  of the republic of South Sudan and the SPLA

This has made the business in Juba to stop since there is a lot of soldiers moving allover the city which has made the business people to close there shops and the customers to remain at home.


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