By Francis Chol

South Sudanese let us choose peace.  Peace is a commodity that cannot be bought from any nearby shop.  It does not require you to pay any single south Sudanese pound, but rather a decision that you make yourself.

As our hearts pour in solidarity to remember thousands of innocent citizens who have lost their lives in this crisis, we need to take this responsibility of preaching and maintaining peace in our hearts and build up our society, our country to a better South Sudan that we all love to live in.

South Sudanese we have a chance and let's take this chance to bring peace, reconciliation and total forgiveness among ourselves. We are one people. The only way we can maintain peace is to build a bridge of total trust and domination of peace in our hearts by preaching peace to bridge the gaps we are all witnessing.  South Sudanese, the conflict is not about us it was caused not by ancient ethnic antagonism but by a fanatical elite engaged in a modern political struggle for power and wealth using ethnic antagonism as their principal weapons. Let us say no, we are not part of that, we are for peace.  Peace is the solution and nobody can donate peace to us.  It is something that is in our minds, hearts, and souls. Let us not make our country a place where vultures fly. Let us moves away from the idea of ethnic antagonism, we are one tribe called south Sudan.

There's no condition that is permanent, let us bring peace back to our country, to our hearts and move ahead with the vision, mission of building our country based on social and economic values.  South Sudanese our choice is to take peace as our shield and weapon. It is not the ordinary citizens who make war, but the leaders and those who suffer are the ordinary citizens.

With this rainy season, our innocent people among them pregnant women, children, and old men and women and above all the physically challenged who are facing enormous problems in camps.  South sudanese we have a mother in that village thousands miles away and there is no food tonight, and also there is a child bitten by a snake and no hospital to seek treatment and another pregnant women under a tree who want to deliver and no hospital, and there is a child separated from his/her parents due to the conflict traumatised,  but with peace all could not happen.
My position as an ordinary citizen is that we should be ambassadors of peace not only in south sudan but in the whole world. This country is our own country and this land is our land. South sudan is for south sudanese. During our independence I discovered a secret that after climbing a great hill I only found that there were many more hills to climb, and one of these hills is called "peace".
There is no obstacle big enough to stop us from bringing peace back in our country.  South Sudanese, by coming and going a bird build a nest, we will come and go and do all we can to help ourselves build a peaceful, Democratic, powerful South Sudan.


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