
New Camp In Juba Will House 10,000 South Sudan Displaced

United Nations officials have signed an agreement with the government of South Sudan and the Chinese embassy to build a new camp in Juba to house thousands of South Sudanese who were forced from their homes by nearly three months of fighting. 07 March 2014 Displaced men rest in an improvised shelter at an UNMISS base in Juba, where nearly 30,000 people who were forced from their homes when violence erupted in South Sudan have sought shelter. [Reuters] JUBA — The new camp will be used to house some of the thousands of displaced people who sought shelter at U.N. Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) bases after fighting erupted in Juba in December and quickly spread around the country. The South Sudanese government provided land for the 600,000 square metre site, adjacent to the UN House base in the Jebel.area of Juba, and Chinese companies led by the China National Petroleum Corporation will provide machinery and $1.6 million to fund the project, which is expected to ac

Three Died In Crossfire At Juba Army Barracks

Fighting that left dozens of soldiers dead at the SPLA Giyada base in Juba yesterday also resulted in the presumably accidental killing of three boys, according to an eyewitness. 07 March 2014 Smoke billows out of the SPLA Giyada base after a firefight, JUBA ( March 2014) -  The gunfight at Giyada started with a dispute over pay involving senior officers. At issue was whether soldiers accused of having defected or gone absent without leave should be paid in Juba or not. A businessman who lives in Juba recounted that he walked past the Giyada base soon after the initial gunfight on Wednesday morning, during a lull in the clashes. He says that around 10:00 a.m. yesterday he was cutting across Meidan Simba from the direction of Juba University heading toward Jabarona neighborhood in order to visit a sick friend. Lying in the field were the bodies of three children, he said, recognizing them as boys who normally washing cars in Meidan Simba. Nearby also was the b


Juba 5 March 2014 Another fight erupted  early in the morning at the army barrack at Giada where the rebels tried to overthrow the government early this year in Juba, this has come when things are almost normalizing in capital of the young country Juba The army spokes person confirmed that the fight started from a barrack occupied by the commando soldier, Till now we don't know the reason as to why the soldiers began shooting at the barrack, the number of people who are dead of injured after the fright is not yet confirmed. The Army spokes person also confirmed that an investigation is underway and who are responsible will face the law  of the republic of South Sudan and the SPLA This has made the business in Juba to stop since there is a lot of soldiers moving allover the city which has made the business people to close there shops and the customers to remain at home.

South Sudan negotiations end with no progress

On Tuesday, the negotiating teams halted the three-week talks in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa amid the ongoing violence in South Sudan, APA reports quoting Press TV. 05 March 2014 Rebel delegation head Gen Taban Deng signs ceasefire agreement with South Sudan Government in January 2014. [File/Courtesy] March 5, 2014 Baku-APA. The two sides failed to sign a declaration of principles, which would act as a guide to the negotiating agenda. “We were ready to sign the document for the declaration of principles. It’s only that the government… pulled out of it and asked for time,” said Hussein Nyong, spokesman for the rebel faction. The central government insists that the talks should be held with the rebels and not any third party, and blames the other side of incorporating seven released detainees as a third party in the talks. “Unfortunately, the imposition of the seven detainees, to make them a party to the government-rebel negotiation is not acc

‘There is no humanity here,’ says UN officer about South Sudan

By: Ilya Gridneff Associated Press A heavily armed UN convoy walks through the streets of Malakal, the capital of oil-producing Upper Nile state. House after house has been burned to the ground. Hospital patients have been shot by armed rebels while lying in their beds. Dozens of corpses litter the streets. “This is about revenge now. There is no humanity here,” said Col. Jan Hoff, an officer in Norway’s army who has served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. South Sudan, he said, is the worst he’s seen. “It’s absolutely horrific,” Hoff said this week as he led a heavily armed UN convoy through the streets of Malakal, the capital of oil-producing Upper Nile state. “This is tribe against tribe. In Syria it was foreign fighters against the government. Here I don’t think it’s about the government.”  A corpse nearby is already a skeleton wrapped in a soldier’s uniform. Hoff said he counted 30 bodies on a recent day. A colleague had counted 70. T

South Sudan: A race against time to protect children before rain comes

It is heartbreaking to see the devastation wrought on the people of South Sudan since the sudden outbreak of fighting there two months ago. More than 850,000 South Sudanese have been forced to flee their homes ; family members have been killed and injured, homes and livelihoods lost. More than 150,000 have left the country altogether. Children who should be going to school have been orphaned, lost, attacked and recruited into armed forces. Even those who are still with their families have seen things they should not be seeing, experienced violence they should not witness. Hundreds of thousands of children are displaced, living in the open, facing disease and malnutrition, with no place to go where they feel safe, and no school to give them a sense of normality. And as if that were not enough, the rainy season will begin in around six weeks. Under the best of circumstances, the rains bring much flooding to South Sudan, but with over 700,000 people displaced within

Rebels Disappear From Malakal

Upper Nile state citizens in Malakal's UNMISSCompound have said the rebel fighters have disappeared from the town. 23 February 2014 By Ariik Atekdit JUBA, 23 February 2014 [Gurtong] – Some internally displaced persons (IDPs) residing in the UN base who chatted on facebook with Gurtong's reporter on Saturday said: "Anti-government forces in Malakal have disappeared this morning (Saturday) and nobody knows where they have gone all to." "I don't know whether they have gone back to Nasir or hiding somewhere in the town," an IDP in the UN base said. Another IDP in the same camp has echoed the same message.  "This is true. They are not seen at all. And we cannot independently find their whereabouts because we are confined in the UN camp." Malakal was recaptured on Wednesday by Mr. Machar's rebels with government officials announcing it as a tactical withdrawal