The striking doctors have decided not call the strike off after the promise of salary increment was announced by assistant minister for medical services last week, the strike which is approaching almost two weeks now has been misunderstood by the viewers from TVs and the country at large that the doctors are selfish and inhuman without put into consideration that doctors demands are genuine and is also to the benefit of poor common throughout the country
The doctors not only demand for salary increment but also better working condition increase of other staff since there is a shortage of doctors compared to other African countries, this is the right time for the government has to restructure its health sector and ensure that all the hospital and dispensaries around the country are refurbished and equipped with medical facilities since the men in the ground have spoken.
If the doctors demands are not but into consideration then the common citizen will suffer since there the doctors are the one on strike while the doctors for the rich and big are attending their duties as usual. Like other African countries eg Malawi, Botswana and Angola where doctors are paid well, if all doctors in Kenya venture into private practice actually they will mint million of money and there will be no doctor for poor Kenyan or it will be expensive for the m to visit a doctor since one will charge high. But due to the love of the people and the country the doctors have said enough is enough to the government until their demands are met because they are of greater benefit to the common mwananchi.
It is ironic that when it comes to anything that favors the common man the government tends to drag itself from implement it, but something that concerns them is discussed and truckled within hours or days. This as been noticed that the government seams not to care or no concerns about its own people.


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