There is a common confusion about Facebook
pages that most page owners overlook.  The
mistake many people make is thinking that just
because someone clicks the like button 
automatically means they are your fan.
True the "like" button used to be a "Become a
fan" button a few years ago, but since then the
like button has become widespread and most
people have clicked "like" thousands of times.
Just because someone "likes" your page does
not mean that they are automatically a true fan
of your brand.
If you want to create the kind of true fans who
will want to do business with you then you
will need to earn their trust first by engaging 
with them and providing cool and valuable 
content for free.
Prove to the people who have joined your
page that you are not just out to make money
from them but that you do in fact care about
helping them out.
A powerful way to help people and build your
business at the same time is by creating a
free gift that you give them in exchange for
their email address.
The custom email opt-in form apps where I give
away a free ebook to people who sign up to my
newsletter are the most powerful part of my 
Facebook pages.
Even if you don't know how to code creating
these apps is easy!  The email marketing service
provider Aweber has a powerful form building 
tool that comes pre-loaded with dozens of cool
Once you have gotten a snazzy looking subscribe
from all you need to do is grab the code that
Aweber generates for you automatically and 
copy and paste the html it into a free Facebook 
iframe host called a Woobox.
Many people like to have step by step instructions
with graphics and videos showing exactly how to 
set this up and that's why complete custom app 
building and much more is included within Facebook 
For those who want one on one help getting their
powerful Facebook page up and running no worries
Facebook Power has got you covered with complete
one on one support to make sure you get the most 
of the many powerful tips in the program.



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