I am furious & he tells me forgive
I am afraid & he tell me Take courage
I have doubts & he says to me Have confidence
I feel restless & he says to me Be calm
I prefer to go my own way & he says Come & follow me
I make my own plans & he tells me Forget about them
I aim for material goods & he says Leave them behind
I want security & he says I Promise you absolutely nothing
I like to live my own life & he says Lose your life
I believe I am good & he tells me Good is not enough
I like to be the boss & he says Serve
I like To command other & he says Obey
I like to underesatnd he says Believe
I like clarity & he speaks in Parables
I like poetry & he speaks me in Realities
I like tranquility & he likes me to be Disturbed
I like violence & he says Peace be with u
I draw sword & he says Put that away
I think of revenge & he says Offer the other cheek
I speak order & he says I have come to bring the sword
I choose hatred & he says Love your enemies
I try to sow harmony & he says I have come to cast fire upon the earth
I like to be the greatest he says Learn to be small as a child
I like to remain hidden & he says Let your light shine
I look at the best place & he says Sit in the last seat
I like to be noticed & he says Pray in your room behind locked doors
NO.... I don't understand this Jesus.
He provokes me .
He confuses me
Like so many of his disciples ,I too would like to follow another Master
who would be more certain & less demanding
But I experienced almost the same as Peter :"I don't now of anyone else


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