Nzara County School in Dire Need of Classrooms

Pupils at Nabagou Primary and Nursery School in Nzara County are studying under a tree.

Nzara County School in Dire Need of Classrooms
Pupils at Nabagou Primary school where a tree serves as a classroom. [Gurtong]

YAMBIO, August 2012 – The school in Western Equatoria State lacks crucial facilities to enable smooth learning.
The headmaster Gelisama Andrew Mbikonigbia said the school faces a number of challenges, including lack of classrooms, since it was opened in 1996.
Despite the poor teaching and studying environment, the school’s performance has been improving slightly over the years.
Most pupils have been forced to drop out of the school due to lack of support from parents, most of whom who are poor and unable to educate their children.
According to the headmaster, early pregnancies have also led to the dropping out of girls.
“The unfortunate bit is that they don’t return to school after delivery”, said Mbikonigbia.
The headmaster has appealed to the Western Equatoria State Ministry of Education to support the construction of modern classrooms.
The local communityhas contributed towards the construction and development of the school.
Mbikonigbia urged parents to take education matters seriously adding that they should always avail themselves at the school to find out the progress of their children.


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