Livestock Prices Increase in South Sudan

The current insecurity in parts of Jonglei State has led to an increase of livestock prices at the local market.

Livestock Prices Increase in South Sudan
Livestock at a local market in Juba. []
BOR, 28 December 2012 [Gurtong] – During the year, cattle traders moved freely from Ayod, Fangak, and Bentiu using river transport and Duk and Uror by use of road during the dry season.
In Pibor County, the traders are freeing because of insecurity on the road and this has affected business in the area.
James Panchol, a trader in the town says prices have gone up to 5,000 South Sudanese pounds (SSP) for a cow and it’s expected to get even higher.
Last year there was booming business between Jonglei and Central Equatoria states where Murle from Pibor escorted their cattle to Juba and some Dinka men also transported their bulls using vehicles to sell in Juba.
Cattle business is one of the most international businesses in South Sudan which involved good relationship with the government of Uganda.
During the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) South Sudanese businessmen imported the livestock from Lira, Gulu, Apac, Soroti, Kaberamaido districts in Uganda.
Traders say there is no livestock market in South Sudan but there are so many livestock markets in each and every district in Uganda


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