Ex-Combatants Reintegrated To The Community

The South Sudan Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (SSDDR) Commission is carrying out a survey on ex-combatants in Eastern Equatoria State to find out how they are reintegrating.

Ex-Combatants Reintegrated To The Community
Officials from SSDDR Commission sample bread made by ex-combatant Lily Ayaa (Right). [Gurtong]

TORIT, 26 July 2012 [Gurtong] - Speaking to Gurtong Lily Ayaa one of the women trained on catering said she is now able to use the knowledge she acquired to prepare bread and biscuits for sale.
“I want to thank SSDDR for the skills they have given us”, she said.
SSDDR in Eastern Equatoria has trained and many ex-combatants on various courses and skills.
Ayaa says that the only problem she encounters is lack of enough customers to purchase all her produce as a large number of people in the area do not have stable income.
A new program by SSDDR comes into effect in this year to provide for guidance on all the policies and strategic directions related to the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants.
SSDDR is constitutionally mandated to spearhead the process for 150,000 ex-combatants: 80, 000 from the SPLA and 70, 000 from other national organised forces; The Police, The Prison, Wildlife Services and the Fire Brigade.
All the national organised forces are currently being transformed from a liberation army to a modern, competent and professional force that are disciplined, non-partisan and subordinated to civilian authority.
SPLA is examining and developing a new five year Military Strategy, with a promise that the total force strength shall not exceed 119,000.
The DDR process is conducted in three phases.
First, combatants and other individuals linked to the military are dispossessed of their weapons before being discharged from the military.
The final phase helps demobilised persons to be able to support themselves in the long term, through providing them with the skills and support to enable them to earn an income in civilian life.
The DDR program is planned and implemented in association with government ministries and commissions, national civil organisations and international organizations.


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