NGO Supporting Agricultural Production In Jonglei

The Polish Aid Humanitarian (PAH) organization has handed over more than 40 acres of cultivated land to Abang community in Jonglei State.

 NGO Supporting Agricultural Production In Jonglei
Kur Bher Kur from Polish Aid Humanitarian Shows the Abang Community in Jonglei the cultivated land for ready for planting. [Gurtong/ ]

BOR, July 2012 [Gurtong] –Ann Extention Worker at PAH Marial Ayen told Gurtong that their mission is to uplift the local communities by giving them support in cultivation of land.
“We have cultivated 40 Feddans and next year we will increase to 50 Feddans if we receive funding”, says Ayen.
Ayen said that PAH is ready to offer support and uplift the communities in Jonglei.
“My duties here are to train the farmers on how to cultivate and how to embrace row planting”, he said.
Row planting is the new method that is being by promoted by PAH instead of sowing of seeds which is unproductive.
The Abang community in Jonglei had requested PAH to cultivate their land through a proposal


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