Youth Volunteer Program Kicks Off in Rumbek

A new project aimed at supporting the youth to clean up their town has been established in Rumbek.

Youth Volunteer Program Kicks Off in Rumbek
Karak Mayik Denyok leads the youth in cleaning Rumbek Town. [Gurtong]

RUMBEK, 18 July 2012 – The ‘Stand For Your Community Youth Volunteer Program’ has been extended to cover eight counties of Lakes State.
The Project Director Karak Mayik Denyok says the project ‘encourages the youth to make a difference in their communities while exploring new areas of interest.’
The volunteers for the program consist of youth who have completed their studies and are out in search for jobs.
The program helps the needy people build a better future through education, community development and training.
It also deepens the personal understanding of the volunteer on human needs, values and cultural diversity.
The youth gain experience as they get attached to different programs, organisations and government.
Recently, the youth participated in a cleaning exercise at Rumbek as the country was preparing for the first independence anniversary celebrations.
The campaign is not only about cleanliness but also to give the youth a chance to meet and interact on social challenges like refrainingfrom drug abuse


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