Student Hospitalised After Caning by Teacher

A pupil at Mayo Girls Basic School in Western Bahr el Ghazal State has been admitted to hospital after she was allegedly flogged by a teacher.

Student Hospitalised After Caning by Teacher
Mayo Girls Basic School pupils awaiting treatment at the Wau Teaching Hospital. [Gurtong]

WAU, 18 July 2012 [Gurtong] - Happy Elario Pangarsio is admitted at Wau Teaching Hospital and claims that she was given 10 strokes of cane by the teacher for missing school.
Speaking to Gurtong,the school Headmaster James Nuri Ukello said he was not aware of the incident but promised to hold an emergency meeting to discuss and discourage such incidences.
“Punishments to pupils who break school regulations is given in form of manual work like cleaning the school compound but not beating them”, said Ukello.
Ukello urged teachers to cooperate with the pupils and maintain respect and honesty so as to promote girl-child education in South Sudan instead of discouraging them from school.
He also warned that beating pupils in schools discourages them from performing well better in exams


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